When a company purchases another business that does something different from what the purchasing company does, the purchasing company is using a strategy of . Pretend that you own a small coffee shop. You have decided that this year is a good time to grow your business, and you have chosen to do so by acquiring another coffee shop one town over. This is an example of . Cash cows have market shares and are in growth markets. Suppose you have accepted a job as the president and CEO of a large transportation conglomerate. Over the years, the conglomerate has acquired a number of unrelated divisions. Your first action as CEO is to complete a strategic plan. Use the following table and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix to answer the question that follows. Business Projected Growth Rate Current Market Share Shipping Low 1% Cargo inspection High 5% Railroad loading Low 75% Freight forwarding High 70% Which of the following divisions would you invest in cautiously? Freight forwarding Railroad loading Shipping Cargo inspection