Home / Expert Answers / Computer Science / using-the-tpurchaseltem-table-write-a-query-that-retrieves-the-total-purchase-amount-for-each-comin-pa309

(Solved): Using the tPurchaseltem table, write a query that retrieves the total purchase amount for each comin ...

Using the tPurchaseltem table, write a query that retrieves the total purchase amount for each comination of PurchaseType and PurchaseDate, subtotals for each PurchaseType, and the grand total. Hint: You will need use the Sum function with PurchaseAmt to calculate the total purchase amount for each grouping set. You will need 3 different groupings. (PurchaseType, PurchaseDate): This grouping will provide the total purchase amount for each unique combination of PurchaseType and PurchaseDate. (PurchaseType): This grouping will provide subtotals for each unique PurchaseType. 0: This grouping will provide the grand total of all purchases without any specific grouping. columns in the purchase item table are purchaseID supplier, purchasetype, purchaseamount and purchasedate

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