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(Solved): Using acetylene as your only source of carbon atoms, design a synthesis of pentanal, shown below (N ...

Using acetylene as your only source of carbon atoms, design a synthesis of pentanal, shown below (Note: pentanal has an odd n
The synthesis above used bromobutane, but acetylene is the only allowed source of carbon atoms. Identify a synthetic route fo
Using acetylene as your only source of carbon atoms, design a synthesis of pentanal, shown below (Note: pentanal has an odd number of carbon atoms, while acetylene has an even number of carbon atoms The transformation above can be performed with some reagent or combination of the reagents listed below. Give the necessary reagent(s) in the correct order, as a string of letters (without spaces or punctuation, such as "EBF"). If there is more than one correct solution, provide just one answer. The synthesis above used bromobutane, but acetylene is the only allowed source of carbon atoms. Identify a synthetic route for the production of bromobutane from acetylene. The transformations above can be performed with some combination of the reagents listed below. Give the necessary reagents in the correct order for each transformation, as a string of letters (without spaces or punctuation, such as "EBF"). If there is more than one correct solution, provide just one answer.

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