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(Solved): two parallel plates as shown on the left side are located in very large room the walls at which ar ...

\( T_{1}=1000^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \) Two paralel plates \( \epsilon_{1}=0,2 \)
(1) \( \epsilon_{1}=0,2 \) as shown on

two parallel plates as shown on the left side are located in very large room the walls at which are maintained at 27 degree celsius . calculate net energy transfer from each plate and the room


Turbure \( T_{1}=1000^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \) Two paralel plates \( \epsilon_{1}=0,2 \) (1) \( \epsilon_{1}=0,2 \) as shown on the are maintained at \( 27 \mathrm{C} \). Calch

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To calculate the net energy transfer from the two parallel
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