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(Solved): To explain the retrograde motion of planets, it was suggested that the Earth and planets orbit arou ...

To explain the retrograde motion of planets, it was suggested that the Earth and planets orbit around the Sun (heliocentric,
To explain the retrograde motion of planets, it was suggested that the Earth and planets orbit around the Sun (heliocentric, or Suncentered model). The following image shows the orbits of Mars and Earth according to this model (toward the bottom of the image), with positions of each planet at specific times marked by numbers. Show how Mars would appear to move in relation to the stars (top of the image) by placing the numbered labels (at right) on the locations Mars would appear to be in the sky for the corresponding orbital positions. The apparent positions of Mars among the stars are shown by a row of small white dots. Lines connect these to the targets where you can place your labels. Tip: Mars will appear to be along the line of sight of Earth, where a straight line connecting Earth and Mars intersects with its apparent location on the celestial sphere. It may be helpful to use astraight-edge passing through the centers of Mars and Earth to extend Mars's apparent position among the stars.

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The lables should be put in the following way: The small white dots should be labled from left to right as below- E, B, C , D and A. EXPLANATION: The small dots show the apparent position of Mars among the stars during its r
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