The table below is based on a logistic regression analysis of the Horseshoe Crabs data with spine ...
The table below is based on a logistic regression analysis of the Horseshoe Crabs data with spine and weight as the explanatory variables. We treated spine as a nominal categorical variable by creating two dummy indicators "spine1" (spine1 =1, when spine =1;0 otherwise) and "spine2" (spine2 =1, when spine =2;0 otherwise). The following table summarizes the maximum likelihood estimates of the regression coefficients. Based on the table, what is estimated standard error of the estimate of the regression coefficient on weight? \begin{tabular}{|} \hline 0.382 \\ \hline 0.452 \\ \hline 0.587 \\ \hline 0.895 \\ \hline \end{tabular}