The circuit shown below uses an actie low-pass filter and an active high-pass filter in cascade to ...
The circuit shown below uses an actie low-pass filter and an active high-pass filter in cascade to construct an active band-pass filter. Figure 6.3: RC Cascaded Two-Stage Band-pass Active Filter. Prelab For the active bandpass filter shown in Figure 6.3: Let \( R_{L 2}=R_{H 1}=1.5 \mathrm{k} \Omega, C_{L}=10 \mathrm{nF} \) and \( C_{H}=100 \mathrm{nF} \) : 1. Calculate the lower and the upper cutoff frequencies \( \omega_{c 1} \) and \( \omega_{c 2} \). Also use the equation given in the lecture to find the center frequency \( \omega_{o} \). 2. Determine a resistor ratio for \( R_{H 2} / R_{L 1} \) that makes \( \left|\mathrm{H}\left(j \omega_{o}\right)\right|=5=14 \mathrm{~dB} \). 3. Calculate the magnitude, phase and time delay of the transfer function at each of the frequencies in the following table, and fill in the theoretical gain values: 4. Construct Bode plot (both gain and phase plot) using the calculated values.