The circuit In the figure to ow shows a DJT diferenta amplifier stage blased with a resistor to pr ...
The circuit In the figure to ow shows a DJT diferenta amplifier stage blased with a resistor to provide a bles current with circuit parameters: Ver-Ver-21, Re-40014, and Ro - 2016. The transistor parameters are Vor- .7V. V-2V, VA and 3-348. I 1. 0 1 1. Determine the basc current (lo, c) of the amplifier: Jala incorrect te nearest Integer : 2. For a single-sided output, determine the following parameters: 1. different al-made voltage gain (4) correct to nearest integer: 2. common-mode voltage gain (4) correct to 2dpa: 3. differential input-impedance (R in ) correct ta nearest Integer: 4. common-mode input-impedance (R) correct to nearest integer:
The circuit in the figure below shows a BJT differential amplifier stage based with a resistor to provide a bas current with arcuit parameters: V-V-21. R-40020, and Ro - 31069. The transistor parameters are Vor-0.70, V-0.2V, Viard 3=148. In 0. 0 ha 1. Decermine the blas current (Tal.) of the amplifier: Tom In A correct to nearest Integer : 2. For a single-sided output, decennine the following peremeters: 1. differentiel-Frode voltage gain (4) correct to nearest integer: 2. comman-made voltage gain (4) correct to 2dps.: 3. differential Input Impedance (R. In kly correct to nearest Integer: 4. common-mode input-impedance ,k!!) correct to nearest integer: