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(Solved): Software Engineering - OOA Diagram   task Describe the given use case as an epic in on ...

Software Engineering - OOA Diagram


Describe the given use case as an epic in one sentence using the text template for textbased requirements from the lectu

task Describe the given use case as an epic in one sentence using the text template for textbased requirements from the lecture. Text Template for User Story (1) - As [User Role], I want [Goal] so I [Reason]. - As a [type of user], I want to [perform a task] so that I can [achieve a goal]. Example: As a registered user, I would like to be able to log in so that I can access content for registered users. Derive three user stories from this epic and describe all three user stories as a Story Card.

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answer: Story Card 1: As a bank customer, I would like to access the ATM machine using my debit card and pin in order to withdraw cash.
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