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(Solved): Simulate the DC equivalent circuit of the circuit given in the Figure below using the Q2N3904 trans ...

Simulate the DC equivalent circuit of the circuit given in the Figure below using the Q2N3904 transistor in ORCAD. Label base
Simulate the DC equivalent circuit of the circuit given in the Figure below using the Q2N3904 transistor in ORCAD. Label base, emitter, and collector terminals of the transistor as B, E, and C, respectively. Perform DC simulation using bias point analysis option and take screenshot of the simulation results and fill the Table 1 (Add all of them to the answer sheet). Explain in which region the transistor operates. Find frequency response of the Q2N3904 Transistor in ORCAD. Use AC Voltage Source for the input signal. Run simulation from to . - Plot the AC voltage gain (Vo/Vs) (in dB). Label the midband frequency gain (in dB) and low and high corner frequencies (the 3-dB frequencies) in the plot before adding it to answer sheet. - Plot the AC voltage gain (Vo/Vs) (not in dB). What is the midband voltage gain as a ratio not in ? Change the input signal with a sinusoidal voltage source that has at . Run transient simulation. Plot the input and output signals for 5 period. What is the gain based on the transient simulation? Does it agree with the AC gain in 2. Set up the circuits given in Figure below in TincerCAD and add the results to the answer sheet.

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Electrical engineering is the answer. Analyse a transistor's DC equivalent circuit and operating region. Here is a detailed instruction:
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