Question 9 A bevelled gear is subjected to the loads shown in figure (a). The shaft has a diameter ...
Question 9 A bevelled gear is subjected to the loads shown in figure (a). The shaft has a diameter of 25 mm and is fixed to the wall at C. The internal reaction forces, torque and moments developed in the cross-section containing points A and B are shown in figure (b). a) Draw the free body diagram of the bevelled gear and shaft sectioned through A and B. (2 marks) b) Determine Ny, Vx, V?, Ty, M? and M? according to the sign conventions given in figure (b). (12 marks) c) Determine the stress components acting on the shaft at point A, and show the results on a volume element whose edges are parallel to the x,y and z axes. Mark the stresses only on the visible faces. (16 marks) Mx 1000 N N? T 75 mm 3750 N 6250 N (a) The distribution of shear stress on a circular cross-section is shown below. V r Total for the question: 30 marks 200 mm V. M? (b) max = 4V 3A