(Solved): Q1 domestic aiffares shewn far tioth yeat Do not round intermediate. calculations.
The Global Busin ...
domestic aiffares shewn far tioth yeat Do not round intermediate. calculations.
The Global Business Tiavel Association repocted the domestic airfare for business travel for the ourrent vear and the previbus vear. Below is a sample of 12 flights with their domestic airfares shemn for both vears. De not round intermediate calculations.
The Global Business Travel Assodiation reported the domestic airfare for business travel for the carrent year and the previcus vear. Elelow is a sample of 12 flights with theid domestic alifares shown for both ynars. Do not tound intermediate calculations:
The Global Business Travel Association reported the domestic airtare for business travel for the current year and the previous year. Below is a sample of 12 tiights with their domestic airfares shown for both years. Do not round intermediafe calculations. a. Fornulate the hypotheses and test for a wonificant increase in the mean doniestic altfare for business travel for the one-year period. HoT Hat 0 \( H_{3} \) ?? 0 What is the P-value? t-value (to-3 decimals) Degrees of freedom
domestic airfares shawn for both yeam, Do not round intermeifate cal walations.