PROBLEM 02: Normalized Symmetric Square Wave A normalized symmetric square wave has fundamental pe ...
PROBLEM 02: Normalized Symmetric Square Wave A normalized symmetric square wave has fundamental period equal to \( T_{p} \) and duty cycle \( C_{D}=\tau / T_{p}=1 / 8 \). 2a).- ( 20 points) Obtain a general formula for its spectral coefficients if its fundamental frequency is \( F_{p}=165 \mathrm{~Hz} \). 2b):- (30 points) Obtain the output \( y(t) \) of an ideal, zerophase, low-pass filter, with cut-off frequency \( f_{m}=500 \mathrm{~Hz} \), if the input to this filter is the square of Problem \( \mathbf{2 a} \), above.