Please use the breadboard diagram, and draw the circuit of the first figure. Please also draw circuit of figure 3.
Printout the breadboard template diagram, available from CANVAS, and use it to show how you would build the amplifier circuit in Figure 2. You can leave out the RL resistor, so that vo is measured in open circuit conditions. The pin connections for an TLC081 op amp are shown in Figure 3(a). Note the indentation at one end of the op amp; this orients the op amp so you can identify connections 1 to 8 . The role of connections 2,3,4,6, and 7 is shown in Figure 3(b). Connections 1, 5 and 8 will not be used. Hints and Suggestions - The op amp must go across the ditch. Place the op amp so that it is 15 rows from the top end of the board, and orient it so that the indentation is towards the bottom end. For example, if you have pins 4 and 5 in row 15 , then pins 1 and 8 will be in Row 18.
(a) (D) gure 3: (a) Connection labels for the Op amp (b) Op amp schematic with connections - On the left side of the breadboard, create a Ground rail by bringing a black earth cable from the AD2 to one side of the breadboard, under the blue-label. Then all the holes next to the blue line will be at the Ground potential. - On the right side of the breadboard, create rails of 5 V and −5 V using the V+ and V- outputs of the AD2, under the + and - labels. - Use jumper wires to connect the V+ and V - pins of the op amp to these rails, to provide the voltage supplies VCC=±5 V. - Use a jumper wire to connect the Ground rail to the noninverting input. - Connect one leg of each of the resistors RA and RB to the inverting pin of the op amp, and place the other legs in two different rows of the breadboard, somewhere near the top of the breadboard. - Connect Rf to the inverting and output pins of the op amp. - Connect the cables for W1 and W2 to resistors RA and RB. - Include a voltage probe for measuring v0. - Label all components and describe them in your Legend. Also describe the voltage signals to be created for W1 and W2 (frequency, amplitude, type of waveform).