(Solved): PLEASE SHOW USING EXCEL. Thank you! 6. A research firm tests the miles-per-gallon characteristics of ...
6. A research firm tests the miles-per-gallon characteristics of three brands of gasoline. Automobiles were randomly subjected to treatments and the results of the experiment (in miles per gallon) are presented below. Please note that in this problem raw data is not provided - you would not need it as partial results are already provided. You will be able to use the partial results to solve the problem and answer the questions. The five automobile types are suspected to introduce "Heterogeneity" as gasoline brands are expected to performance differently in different automobile types. The experimenter would prefer to remove any comuptive effect of heterogencity to get clean results on Gasoline Brands. Hence the analysis is performed in two phases. In Phase 1 of the analysis on the above dats, the following partial ANOVA results were obtained. a) Complete the above ANOVA Table. b) What experimental design was considered for the analysis under Phase I? c) State the Null and Alternate Hypotheses. Customize your hypothesis to the business problem context (do not use generic terms). d) Determine Critical value. Conduct a Critical-value based Hypothesis test (at \( \alpha=0.10 \) ). What is your decision on the Hypothesis test? e) State your conclusion (what meaning the decision under part ' \( d \) ' carries in the problem context)
In phase II of the analysis of the test data, the following partial ANOVA results were obtained. f) Complete the above ANOVA Table. g) What experimental design was considered for the analysis under Phase II? h) Is a Hypothesis Test on the factor "Automobile Type" needed? Why or why not? i) Is Hypothesis Test under Phase II (based on what the user is set out to find in the first place) any different from the one considered for Phase 1 ? j) Determine Critical value. Conduct a Critical-Value based Hypothesis Test (at \( \alpha=0.10) \). k) Is there a significant difference in the mean miles- per- gallon characteristics of the three brands of gasoline based on the Hypothesis test? 1) If so, which brand(s) are different from the rest? m) You own all five vehicle types in your fleet use them equally. You are interested in maximizing mpg for your vehicles. Which brand/s of Gasoline would you use and why? n) Comparing analyses under Phase I and Phase II, what advantage Phase II provides if any over Phase I of analysis? o) Which method among Phase I and Phase II provides the correct method of analysis in the problem context? Why or why not?