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(Solved): please help me to answer the question from this weeks this are the questions Sample Questions to inf ...

please help me to answer the question from this weeks
Sample Questions to inform discussion and marking Do not ask all of the questions, they are there as a guide only and you may
Ladership is important in a group. What is your preferred laadership style if you are leading a group or task and if you are
This project holds the key detalls over the aspects of self-development and perspectives that I Iearned from th

Salort three areas where you feel you need to develop and nignignt a
I have devcloped my laddar to gain step-wise growth by kecping track of the timcly delivery of the project and skills and tec
This can cause misunderstanding while serious communication or presentation giving, Thereby causing bourdroom mishaps and fai
Action plan: To create an effoctive accomplishment of the weakness, I have managed a proper chart to consider the weaknesses
Week 6
Please answer the following question in less than 150 words
Please complete the Belbin Test and in the box below descr
Week 7
Please answer the following question in less than \( \mathbf{2 0 0} \) words
Please reflect on a class you had in the
Week 8/ Week 9 Interim Appraisal
Please answer the following questions in less than 300 words
What are my initial impressions
What do I need to do in the remaining weeks of this semester? (My action plan) As an action plan, I have sorted out that focu
Week 11
Please answer the following question in less than 250 words
Business Etiquette is the key to success in Business. Ple
Week 12
Please answer the following question in kess than 100 words
If you had to work remotely what would be the 3 most impo

this are the questions
Sample Questions to inform discussion and marking Do not ask all of the questions, they are there as a guide only and you may
Ladership is important in a group. What is your preferred laadership style if you are leading a group or task and if you are
Sample Questions to inform discussion and marking Do not ask all of the questions, they are there as a guide only and you may want to ask your own Penonal Swor When did you complete your SWOT? Did anything surprise you when you reflected on it. Tell me about your action plan, what have you done so far and what plans do you have going forward? Does it match with what you think myself and other lecturers might rate you? Academic Skills Did you attend the classes on Academic writing/ What did you think about it? Have you done referencing before? Did it help with your other assessments? What additional reading or learning did you do to enhance your skills in this key area? Can you tell me the difference between a citation and a reference? Can you tell me how you would reference a book? What do you understand about the term Critical Thinking? How would you incorporate critical thinking into a paragraph in a report? Give an example? Business Communication Skills What would you say are most important factors in communicating in Business? What do you think might be the impact of unprofessional communication on a business? Give an example of what you might say to a customer who is complaining about a service you offer? What would you say are the important elements of a business email? Team-work Skills and Knowledge Did you complete the Belbin test? What category did you come out as highest in? What are your strengths and allowable weaknesses in relation to team working? In class we looked at a theory about group development by a person called Tuckman. Can you remember the 5 stages of group development? What do you understand to be the difference between a group and a team? If you had a choose a group of students to work with on a university assessment. What criteria would you apply to picking students to work with? Ladership is important in a group. What is your preferred laadership style if you are leading a group or task and if you are not leading what is your preferred style to work with? Commercial awareness What do you understand by the term commercial awareness? If I were to ask you what are the biggest issues that businesses had to consider over the next 3-5 years what would you say they are? Over the past few year's sustainability issues have become more prominent in the news. If you were going for a job in a multi-national business and I asked you what are the main issues for large businesses to address, what would be your reply? Self-reflection skills and understanding What do you understand about the term self-reflection and why is it important? What have you learned about yourself over the course of the last 4 months? How are you different now to when you started your studies? What do you think that university will do to help you develop as a person and as a potential successful person in business? Course Professionalism including timekeeping and behaviour (Less questions and more feedback) What does professionalism on your course mean for you? How would you say you have done in relation to professionalism on your course? What areas or behaviours do you need to improve on? Do you bring a laptop or notepad to class? Do you read the materials in advance of your class and come with questions you would like answered? Attendance and Engagement (less questions and more feedback) You may want to share data on attendance with them How many classes have you attended this semester? If you missed a class or more than one what was the reason? Did you email your course leader or module leader if you had to miss a class and if so what did you say in the email? If you missed a class what did you do to catch up? Did you find it hard to attend all of the classes and is there any barriers that make it difficult for you to come? If so what can you do to address them? In class how confident are you to express an opinion or to ask questions? Flease add the marks to Blackboard as sooe as you can either after the assessment or cven dering the meeting if you tave a Laptop. However ae portfolio epleaded, ao mark Introduction: This project holds the key detalls over the aspects of self-development and perspectives that I Iearned from the module. This project stands out to the mirror that can help with the development of the semester performances and put fonward a chance to reflect over the missing out details during the lectures. This project covers the different week descriptions that have helped me to develop an idea about what is required. Week 1 Please answer the following question in loss than 200 words What I feel about the challenges of completing this course after the first week? While developing the course work, I acoomplished multiple aspects, such as skills reyuired for better and progressive study developenent and perpetaal presentation skills. However, certain challenges, such as undentanding the perpective of writing and self-evaluation, came as a challenge that reduced my speed and confused me regarding the writing pattem. However, the undersanding and progress of personal reflections were uncertain duc to reavons like isdulging in reflection models and recognising the first pensen use to describe self-evaluation. Also, while determining the perspective, of course, works completion by the first week, I faced a mere issue regarding cvaluating my personal growth and understanding of the module. This has reduced my potency levels regarding selfevaluating over a certain persona Later at the end of the first week, I understood and reflected on the asiessment making my growth procise and successful. Salort three areas where you feel you need to develop and nignignt a I have devcloped my laddar to gain step-wise growth by kecping track of the timcly delivery of the project and skills and techniques in becoming a potential leader. I also citcred to the gains of Rolfe's reflective model, which helped me undentand the origin of my issues and the measures that can help me reduce them. Week 3 Please answer the following question in less than 200 words Please design a brief action plan with timelines for your assessments this semester and summarise any challenges you may face in meeting those deadlines It becomes easier to understand the effectiveness of presentation skills in developing projects. However, faster application of the presentation designs leads to a failure of implicuting professional and business looks within them. Therefore, the better development of presentation skills becomes rushed. Also, keeping up with the rapid learning of business etiquette also creates pressure over understanding the right gestures or body language while addressing senior colleagues or employees (Zell et al., 2020). This can cause misunderstanding while serious communication or presentation giving, Thereby causing bourdroom mishaps and failures, negatively impacting the professional front. Week 4 Please answer the following question in less than 200 words Critically appraise your strengths and weaknesses in relation to academic writing and describe a brief action plan to improve your practice Action plan: To create an effoctive accomplishment of the weakness, I have managed a proper chart to consider the weaknesses that I have. This way, I can gather much more effective skills and traits to become sucoessful and persitent in both professional and academic fields. Also, I have resorted to becoming bencvolent to the surrounding situations and belping people so that I can understand their issues and develop the required options to reduce them. In this suggested way, I can gain hold over the leadership qualities and skills for better focus on developing leadership qualities. Week 5 Please answer the following question in less than 200 words Compose a Business email to your manager on one of the following topics - Asking for a review of your job role and pay grade - Making a complaint about your working conditions - Asking for extra annual leave to deal with a family crisis - Discussing an idea you have to improve the business Week 6 Please answer the following question in less than 150 words Please complete the Belbin Test and in the box below describe your usual role in group work and any allowable weaknesses you have (Source: 123test, 2022) As a driver, 1 feel this has justified much more about my confidence levels and characteristics while in a group. 1 challenge my seniors and other group members if I disagree with certain perceptions or actions. This refers to considering my strengths that I am an opinionated, strong-willed, strong-moral woman. I attained in a team, which refers to my teamwork capacity (123test, 2022). I find it my responsibility to look after the betterment of my team members. Even as a strong-minded person, I have always stood beside my colleagues and friends, indicating my character as one of the most agile people. Week 7 Please answer the following question in less than words Please reflect on a class you had in the last two weeks in one of your other modules using a reflective writing style While understanding critical thinking, analysis and evaluation class, 1 have had issues catering to reflective models such as Kolb's or Gibb's reflective cycle. While processing the information that the tutor had taught, I got confused between the two models and mixed up the spectrums. Furthermore, have been very reluctant as it was never my forte. Being able to critically acclaim a situation has been helping an individual to gather effective skills for future upgradation. However, I have been unable to understand the needs of the paper as it comes to my astonishment that critical thinking can be implicated in reflective models as well. The very understanding has created a block in my understanding of the concept (Farci? et al., 2020). Moreover, with the assessment of the weekend, I acknowledged the help of my tutor, who simplified the entire concept and provided me with examples to get a good hold of the definitions and alma maters of critical thinking. Week 8/ Week 9 Interim Appraisal Please answer the following questions in less than 300 words What are my initial impressions of the course? To me it came as a surprise that reflective learning is also a part of the academic understanding of self developments. For a much better and more evident understanding. sclf-evaluation progress can be impressive when it comes to providing personal traits and characteristics as a display of potential and weaknesses. The understanding of the selfevaluation impression provides uncertainty to the initial development of skill search and progressive measures to Fort or account for academic and carecr-related success. What have I learned so far? While pursuing this module, I have gained an acule knowledge of perspectives such as critical thinking, time management, leadership qualities and effective delivery of presentation skills to be key components of successive growth was effective (Lishinski and Yadav, 2021). For developing the acute assistance of reflection writing. I have gained strengths in vocabulary and procedures in which I can acknowledge my key strengths and persona. How am I performing in relation to the criteria set for the assessment for this module? To my judgement, I perceive myself to be doing an average as perfoming concerning the required criteria of this assessment. I can justify that the assessment hes provided qualitative measures for resourcing an action plan to recover my weaknesses or to sustain and develop my field competency levels. With this, I can vouch for developing effective skill sets and priorities while addressing seniors and representing me in academic and professional fields. What do I need to do in the remaining weeks of this semester? (My action plan) As an action plan, I have sorted out that focusing on the learning module for recovering the learning outcomes can be a potential passage for developing aggressive measures to sustain the remaining weeks of the semester. Also, eatering to the communicative plans sorted out in the previous weeks can help determine an effective communication Bridge forming between the other teammates (Uriel and Cohen, 2020). This can help me understand subject matters of ecrtain modules that I might not be able to do or carry out alone. Week 10 Please answer the following question in less than 100 words Commercial awareness is an important part of professional skills. Please describe in just a couple of sentences what you understand by the term commercial awareness and list some places where you might go to improve your commercial awareness other than Google!! Week 11 Please answer the following question in less than 250 words Business Etiquette is the key to success in Business. Please write a selfreflection on what are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the perception you create in a work environment I have adhered to business etiquette to create a respectfal space while working. However, when it comes to adspting to the tronds and the body langange, 1 have ficeed a significant amount of pressure as 1 am a bit of a late blooener. Morcover, depicting the improvements has developed my confidence in communicating with my colleagues, even under extreme pressure. This has made it simpler to talk about topics cven during intensive pressures. This way, I felt much better about my working covironment and improved my communication and body language depiction while interacting with the other individual (Wambaganss et at. 2022). Also, I have gainad a seme of critical thinking to be projected while talking to the seniors. This has to be onc of the besiness ctiquettes I follow for the semblance of the proper code of conduct with my senions and teammutes Week 12 Please answer the following question in kess than 100 words If you had to work remotely what would be the 3 most important key benefits for you and what would be your 3 greatest challenges Week 13 This week your challenge is to review this portfolio, tidy it up so that it looks professional and upload it to Turnitin on your Blackboard in accordance with the assessment guidance. You should also rate yourself out of 10 ( 1 being weak- 10 being outstanding) for the following areas for your assessment appraisal interview Note that the most important aspect of this table is the ability to self-reflect honestly and not to get top marks for each area Sample Questions to inform discussion and marking Do not ask all of the questions, they are there as a guide only and you may want to ask your own Penonal Swor When did you complete your SWOT? Did anything surprise you when you reflected on it. Tell me about your action plan, what have you done so far and what plans do you have going forward? Does it match with what you think myself and other lecturers might rate you? Academic Skills Did you attend the classes on Academic writing/ What did you think about it? Have you done referencing before? Did it help with your other assessments? What additional reading or learning did you do to enhance your skills in this key area? Can you tell me the difference between a citation and a reference? Can you tell me how you would reference a book? What do you understand about the term Critical Thinking? How would you incorporate critical thinking into a paragraph in a report? Give an example? Business Communication Skills What would you say are most important factors in communicating in Business? What do you think might be the impact of unprofessional communication on a business? Give an example of what you might say to a customer who is complaining about a service you offer? What would you say are the important elements of a business email? Team-work Skills and Knowledge Did you complete the Belbin test? What category did you come out as highest in? What are your strengths and allowable weaknesses in relation to team working? In class we looked at a theory about group development by a person called Tuckman. Can you remember the 5 stages of group development? What do you understand to be the difference between a group and a team? If you had a choose a group of students to work with on a university assessment. What criteria would you apply to picking students to work with? Ladership is important in a group. What is your preferred laadership style if you are leading a group or task and if you are not leading what is your preferred style to work with? Commercial awareness What do you understand by the term commercial awareness? If I were to ask you what are the biggest issues that businesses had to consider over the next 3-5 years what would you say they are? Over the past few year's sustainability issues have become more prominent in the news. If you were going for a job in a multi-national business and I asked you what are the main issues for large businesses to address, what would be your reply? Self-reflection skills and understanding What do you understand about the term self-reflection and why is it important? What have you learned about yourself over the course of the last 4 months? How are you different now to when you started your studies? What do you think that university will do to help you develop as a person and as a potential successful person in business? Course Professionalism including timekeeping and behaviour (Less questions and more feedback) What does professionalism on your course mean for you? How would you say you have done in relation to professionalism on your course? What areas or behaviours do you need to improve on? Do you bring a laptop or notepad to class? Do you read the materials in advance of your class and come with questions you would like answered? Attendance and Engagement (less questions and more feedback) You may want to share data on attendance with them How many classes have you attended this semester? If you missed a class or more than one what was the reason? Did you email your course leader or module leader if you had to miss a class and if so what did you say in the email? If you missed a class what did you do to catch up? Did you find it hard to attend all of the classes and is there any barriers that make it difficult for you to come? If so what can you do to address them? In class how confident are you to express an opinion or to ask questions? Flease add the marks to Blackboard as sooe as you can either after the assessment or cven dering the meeting if you tave a Laptop. However ae portfolio epleaded, ao mark

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PERSONAL SWOT1) I just did my SWOT analysis some time ago and I realized that we all must do our SWOT analysis once in a year so that your growth con
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