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(Solved): PLEASE HELP ME!! CodeHS AP CSP 1.18.4 Super Cleanup Karel Karels world is a complete mess. There ...

PLEASE HELP ME!! CodeHS AP CSP 1.18.4 Super Cleanup Karel

Karel’s world is a complete mess. There are tennis balls all over the place and you need to clean them up. Karel will start in the bottom left corner of the world facing east and should clean up all of the tennis balls in the world. This program should be general enough to work on any size world with tennis balls in any locations.


1) You are allowed to use SuperKarel commands like turn_right and turn_around.

2) Karel should have cleaned up the entire world.

3) Karel can end up in any spot facing any direction, so long as the world is clean.

World: supercleanup
Starting World
Ending WorldWorld: supercleanup2
Starting World
Ending WorldWorld: supercleanup3
World: supercleanup4
Starting World
Ending WorldWorld s? merclean??n5

World: supercleanup Starting World Ending World World: supercleanup2 Starting World Ending World World: supercleanup3 World: supercleanup4 Starting World Ending World World s? merclean??n5

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Super clean up There are many methods to solve this challange But
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