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1. What is the midspan deflection of a simply supported, prismatic beam of s ...
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1. What is the midspan deflection of a simply supported, prismatic beam of span \( L \) with two equal end moments \( M_{1} \) Find the midspan slope ( \( \times \) EI) of a beam of span 30 feet loaded with end moments of 10 ft-k Find the midspan deflection ( \( \times \) El) of a beam of span 30 feet loaded with end moments of \( 10 \mathrm{ft}-\mathrm{k} \). 2. What is the maximum deflection of a simply supported prismatic beam of span \( \mathrm{L} \) with one end moment \( M_{1} \). Hint: use the steel manual beam diagrams and formulas (next page). Find the midspan deflection of a ( \( \times \) EI) of a beam of span 30 feet loaded with a single end moment of \( 10 \mathrm{ft}-\mathrm{k} \). 3. What is the fixed end moment for a fixed-fixed prismatic beam of span \( L \) with two equal concentrated loads \( P \) at the \( 1 / 3 \) points. Find the fixed-end moment (×EI) of a fixed-fixed beam of span 30 feet loaded with end two equal 10 kip loads at the \( 1 / 3 \) points 4. By what factor is the midspan deflection of a simply supported beam differ from the maximum midspan deflection of a fixed-fixed beam. a) uniformly distributed load \( w_{0} \) over entire length Example: if simply supported is \( w L^{\wedge} 4 / 32 \) and fixed-fixed is \( w L^{\wedge} 4 / 64 \), answer is 2 . b) concentrated load \( \mathrm{P} \) at midspan.