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(Solved): please draw the diagram after integration of plasmid DNA molecule pYOU2 with pYOU1 using homologous ...

please draw the diagram after integration of plasmid DNA molecule pYOU2 with pYOU1 using homologous recombination in one step with a gene that is homologous to orf-X.

Q2. A diagram of ORF-X and those of a few plasmid DNA molecules ( \( \mathrm{PYOU1,2} \) and 3 ) are given below. These plasm
Q2. A diagram of ORF-X and those of a few plasmid DNA molecules ( \( \mathrm{PYOU1,2} \) and 3 ) are given below. These plasmids are all available to you if you wish to use any or all of them. Explain with clear diagrams step by step how you will accomplish your goal of targeted homologous recombination in ONE STEP in an organism with a gene that is homologous to orf-X. (Important: be clear and precise). In these diagrams, GFP and \( \mathbf{N e o}^{\mathrm{R}} \) are two genetic marker genes. GFP gene produces a cell that, if the GFP gene is expressed, produces a fluorescent protein that glows under certain conditions, and \( N e 0^{R} \) is a gene that, if expressed in a cell, makes that cell resistant to killing by an antibiotic called neomycin.

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