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(Solved): please answer. This question has multiple parts. Thank you Select the appropriate acyl chloride and ...

Select the appropriate acyl chloride and aromatic compound to prepare the given target molecule. (Select TWO compounde)Select the appropriate acyl chloride and aromatic compound to prepare the given target molecule. (Select TWO compounds)Select the major product.Select the major product.please answer. This question has multiple parts. Thank you

Select the appropriate acyl chloride and aromatic compound to prepare the given target molecule. (Select TWO compounde) Select the appropriate acyl chloride and aromatic compound to prepare the given target molecule. (Select TWO compounds) Select the major product. Select the major product.

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Solution: 1st question. -NO2 group is deactivating group and -OCH3 is activating group. Thus the S1 act as good electrophile and S2 acts as good nucleop
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