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(Solved): Part V-A Different kind of Hit As Dr. Whitt suggested, Julie met with a genetic counselor, Mrs. Her ...
Part V-A Different kind of Hit As Dr. Whitt suggested, Julie met with a genetic counselor, Mrs. Hernández. Based on the recommendations of Dr. Whitt and Mrs. Hernández, Julie underwent genetic testing to determine what specific mutation she harbored in the RB1 allele. However, it turned out that Julie's mutation was not the same one that Kay had! Julie didn't understand how this could be, so she met with Mrs. Hernandez for an explanation. In their meeting, Julie asked Mrs. Hernández, "How can Kay have a different mutation than I do?" Question 1. Chris does not have an RBI mutation, and is therefore homozygous wild-type. Julie is heterozygous for the mutation. However, Kay has inherited a different RBI mutation than the one her mother carries. Therefore, Kay did not receive her mother's mutant allele. Assuming that Chris really is the father, what other explanation might there be for how she got a germline mutation?
Retinoblastoma is a tumor that results from a mutation in the Rb1 gene that encapsulates a key protein that helps prevent cells from breaking down under mutations that can lead to cancer growth. .......................................... Kay inherite