Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge Addreceinn Tahle Background \( / \) Scenario that wil acocemmedate 4 subnets uging the 1921680 n 024 natwork The IT department raquires 25 hoath Tha Salss department neads 50 hosta. The subnet for the rest of the ctat recuiras 100 hosts. A Guest aubnet wil he added in tha future to
socornmudate 25 hosts. You musl also firiah the busic aecuriky sellingy and inlerface cuniguratiuny un R1. Then, you wil configure the GWI interface and basic securty settings on saitches \( \mathrm{S1}, \mathrm{G2} \), and \( \mathrm{G} 3 \). Instructions IPv4 Addressing - Use to creale subnels thul mest the hosd requirements. o Sital. 100 hosls - Sales: 50 hosts - IT. 25 heata - Guest network to be added later. 25 hasts - Documant the IPv4 addresses that have been rgsigned in the Addressing Table. - Record the suboet tor the Guest network: PC: Conflgurations - Configura tha assignod IPv4 addrase, subnat mask, and dafaut gatmway sattinga on tha Gitatf, Salos, and IT PCs using your addressing sclieme. - Agsign the IPt5 unicset and link local addra8ses and cetaul gateways to the Statl. Salec, and IT netwonks according to the Addressing Table. R1 Configurations - Conigure the device name accurding to the Addressing Table. - Disable DNS loakup. - Assign Ciscoenpe55 as the encrypted privileged EXEC mode pssaware. - Assign Ciecoconpa55 as the console prreward and enable login. - Requira that a minimum of 10 charactara be used tor al pasguorda - Encrypt all plaintast pagswneds - Craate a banner that wams anyone acceasing tha device that unauthorbed access is prahilitad. - Configure and enable al the Gigabit Ethomet intarfaces. - Configure the IPv4 addreseses ascording to your addressing scheme. - Configur the IPu5 addresses according to the Addressing Table. - Configure SSH on R1: - Set the domain name to - Ganarata a 1004 -bit RSA key - Cenigure the VTY lines for \( 55 \mathrm{H} \) access. - Lsa the local uaar proties for authantication o Creale a user Admin1 will a perivilege level of 15 and use the sncrypled passwurd of Admin1pa55. - Configure the coneols and VTY ines to log out atter ftve minutes of inacthty - Block anyone for three minutes who fails to log in after four attempts within a twe-minute period. Switch Configuration - Configure the device name according to the Addressing Table. - Conigure the SVI interface with the IPv4 address and subnet mask according your addressing scheme. - Conigure the default galenay. - Dissable DN5 loakup. - Assign Ciecoenpess as the encrypted privilejed EXEC mode pssaward. - Assign Circoconpasts as the consols presword and enable bogn. - Contigura the consals and VTY Inas to \( \log \) out aiter flua minutsa of inactivity - Encrypt all plariant pasewards Connectivity Requirements - Use the wab broweer on the Staff. Salcs, and IT PCs to navigate to - Use the web broweer on the Staff, Sales, and IT PCs to navigate to www.cisco6.srr. - All PCs should be atle to ping all other the devises. Trne Elapsad: 00:02:23