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(Solved): o 4 Identify the electrophile and the nucleophile in each of the following reaction steps, and then ...
o 4 Identify the electrophile and the nucleophile in each of the following reaction steps, and then draw curved arrows to illustrate the bond-making and bond-breaking processes. CH?CH=CH? + H-Br CH3CH-CH? + Br a. CH3CH=CH? + BH3 CH3CH? CH?BH? b. What will be the major product of the reaction of 2-methyl-2-butene with each of the following reagents? a. HBr e. H?/Pd i. Br?/H?O b. HI f. MCPBA (a peroxyacid) j. Br?/CH?OH c. Cl?/CH?Cl? g. H?O + trace H?SO4 k. BH?/THF, followed by H?O?, d. 03, -78 °C, followed by (CH3)2S h. Br?/CH?Cl?