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(Solved): Now, how would you design an experiment to test your hypothesis? Would you use people or animals as ...
Now, how would you design an experiment to test your hypothesis? Would you use people or animals as rest subjects? How many subjects would you test? How will you know if your hypothesis is correct? When designing an experiment, it is important to include two groups of test subjects. One group is called the experimental group. This group is exposed to the experimental variable, in this case, secondhand smoke. The other group is called the control group, This group is your "basis for comparison," and is not exposed to the experimental variable; in other words, this group will not be exposed to smoke. In all other ways, the two groups are as alike as possible. How are they fed and housed? What is their genetic background? This inereases the probability that any changes that occur during the course of the experiment are due to the experimental variable, and not to some other factor What are the uduanager of uxing humans as test subjects in this experiment?