Need help answering this question in Python.

4.16 LAB: Toll calculation Toll roads have different fees based on the time of day and on weekends. Write a function calc_toll() that has three parameters: the current hour of time (int), whether the time is morning (boolean), and whether the day is a weekend (boolean). The function returns the correct toll fee (float), based on the chart below. Weekday Tolls • Before 7:00 am ($1.15) • 7:00 am to 9:59 am ($2.95) • 10:00 am to 2:59 pm ($1.90) • 3:00 pm to 7:59 pm ($3.95) • Starting 8:00 pm ($1.40) . Before 7:00 am ($1.05) 7:00 am to 7:59 pm ($2.15) • Starting 8:00 pm ($1.10) Ex: The function calls below, with the given arguments, will return the following toll fees: calc_toll(8, True, False) returns 2.95 calc_toll(1, False, False) returns 1.90 calc_toll(3, False, True) returns 2.15 calc_toll (5, True, True) returns 1.05 404400-229320637 LAB 4.16.1: LAB: Toll calculation 0/10 ACTIVITY Load default template... 1 def calc_toll (hour, is_morning, is_weekend): 2 # Type your code here. 3 4 if ___name____ __main__': 5 print (calc_toll (8, True, False)) 6 print (calc_toll (1, False, False)) 7 print(calc_toll (3, False, True)) 8 print(calc_toll (5, True, True))] Develop mode Submit mode When done developing your program, press the Submit for grading button below. This will submit your program for auto-grading. Weekend Tolls