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(Solved):   i needanswerfor these short 5 question 1. Give an example of vibratory motion which is n ...

1. Give an example of vibratory motion which is not simple harmonic motion. Give a reason of your selection.
2. At extreme po

i needanswerfor these short 5 question

1. Give an example of vibratory motion which is not simple harmonic motion. Give a reason of your selection. 2. At extreme position, velocity is zero but acceleration is maximum in simple harmonic motion. How can you theoretically explain it? 3. What will happen to acceleration of mass spring system if its mass is doubled? 4. A simple pendulum has time period 'T'. What will happen to its time period if its thread length is shorten to half? 5. A simple pendulum has time period of 4 seconds. Will its time period remain same or change, if its steel bob is replaced by wood bob of same size?

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