A sample of isotropic material is subjected to a compressive stress and is confined so ...
A sample of isotropic material is subjected to a compressive stress ? and is confined so that it cannot deform in either the x or y directions, as shown in Figure below. Z material rigid die oz y a) Do stresses occur in the material in thex andy directions? Please explain (5 points) When the elastic constant v of the material is equal to 0.4: b) Obtain the equations for and for dy, each as functions of only ? (10 points) c) Determine the strain in the z-direction as a function of E and ?. (10 points) Oz d) Write the expression of the stiffness E' = 0/? in the direction of the applied stress ? in terms of only the elastic constants E. (10 points) e) Calculate the strain in the z-direction (E= 70 GPa, and ?-150 Mpa) (5 points) 1) Calculate the the stiffness value E' (5 points) g) Is E' equal to the elastic modulus E as obtained from a uniaxial test? Why or why not? (5 points)