Molecular Formula C9H20 Lewis Structure CICIO 1 H H HHH -C-H HIC-H H H-C-H H 7 H-C-C-C-H III HBr H Condensed Structure CH? CH?-CH-CH-CH?-CH?-CH? CH? CH? H, CH, CH H?C H? H?C-CH-CH,CH, CH CH, Skeletal Structure x OH
Identifying Organic Compounds and Functional Groups Activity Identify the functional group found in the following molecules. (alkane, haloalkane, cycloalkane, alkene, cycloalkene, alkyne, or an aromatic compound) HHHH IIII 1 H-C-C-C-C-H III HH Br H CH? CH? H?C HH H-C-C-H C C=C H H 2 3 4 5 6 H?C H?C. H H H H H- H CH? H C=C H H H H H H H CH?
7 9 HC=C- H 1 H-C-H H | H H-C-C-C-H JI HBr H CH? H,C-CH? H CH3 CH3-C CH3 CÁCH–CH3 10 H?C CH?-CH3 Identify the functional group found in the following molecules. (Alcohol, phenol, thiol, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, ester, amine, or amide) H H-C-C H 11 12 13 -I N-C-H T H H H H HH O H-C-C-C H O-H HH HH HH H-C-C-O-C-C-H 11 11 HH HH C 1117
14 15 16 ? 17 18 19 20 SH H3C-C-CH3 CH3 ? ? ? ? H H-C-C-N-C-C-H H H ? ? H :O: H H ||||| H-c-c-c-C-H I II ? ? ? ???? ... ? ?-?-?-?-?-?-? 1 I . . ???? ? ? ? ? | | ?-?-?-?-? ??? HHH H-C-O ? H :0: || | H-C-C-H ? OH CH3 ?.? ?3? H3C CH3 CH3
The following molecules have multiple functional groups. Circle all the functional groups in each molecule and label them accordingly. Don't list any alkane, cycloalkane, or carbonyl group. If there is more than one of the same group, circle them all but only list it once. Example: H H H 2 HO ||| H?N-C-C-N-C- 1.. CH HCH, 0-C OH 5 1. Carboxylic Acid 2. Amine 3. Amide 4. Ester 5. Aromatic Ring H3C 1. 2. 3 C O -C=C-CH3 3. 123 1. 2. 3. H 1. 2. 3. Ic | H /\ C- H 010 HHO C ? H-1 -N H H HH H
H H 1. 2. 3. O OH H H C=C H -C. H3C-O 1. 2. 3. || H H CH3 O C-C-H || C-C H H HI -H C-N 11 C-H C- VIK H HI C- •C- H N O=C N H-C-H H 1. 2. 3. There are models available in the lab that can be viewed upon request from your lab instructor. You also have access to a model kit should you want to build any of the molecules shown above.