Match the following terms and their definitions. Some terms will not be used. A set of constructs and conventions used to create data models with things in the users' world represented by entities and associations among those things represented by relationships A database that exists, either by partitioning or replication (or both), on more than one database server A database consisting of relations between tables containing rows of data with columns containing characteristics (or attributes) common to all rows A set of programs used to define, administer, and process the database and its applications Data concerning the structure of data that are used to describe tables, columns, constraints, indexes, and so forth An information system that manages customer contacts from initial solicitation through acceptance, purchase, continuing purchase, support and so forth The standard language (standalone or embedded in application programs) for defining the structure and processing of a relational database and retrieving data; it was developed by IBM A store of enterprise data that is designed to facilitate management decision-making; it includes data and metadata, tools, procedures, training, personnel information, and other resources that make access to the data easier and more relevant to decision-makers