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lour assignment here is to describe the morphology of the colonies on the plates shown. First, pic ...
lour assignment here is to describe the morphology of the colonies on the plates shown. First, pick a well isolated colony on the plate. Observe and record colony morphology using characteristics described in FIG. 1 of the protocol: 1. shape/form 2. elevation 3. texture 4. color 5. optical properties FIG 4. A single colony isolate of Streptomyces on plate and incubated at \( 27^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \) for 1-6 weeks.
Solution - shape -Streptomyces is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria that grows in various environments, and its shape resembles filamentous fungi. streptomycetes grow as branching hyphal filaments to form a mat of fungus-like mycelium, fr