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(Solved): Lesson 1 - Synthetic Hydrograph 1. From the basin map of a given watershed, the following quantiti ...
Lesson 1 - Synthetic Hydrograph 1. From the basin map of a given watershed, the following quantities are measured: L=150km,Lc=75km, and drainage area =3500km2. From the unit hydrograph derived for the watershed, the following are determined: tR=12h,tpR=34h, and peak discharge =157.5m3/s/cm. Determine the coefficients Ct and Cp for the synthetic unit hydrograph of the watershed. 2. Compute and sketch the six-hour synthetic unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area of 2500km2 with L=100km and Lc=50km. This watershed is a subdrainage of the watershed in Part 1 above. 3. Construct a 10-minute SCS unit hydrograph for a basin of area 3.0km2 and time of concentration 1.25h.