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(Solved): Launch Tableau Public. Click on the File menu and select "Manage my Profile". Login to your Tableau ...
Launch Tableau Public. Click on the File menu and select "Manage my Profile". Login to your Tableau Public Profile (take time to create one now if not already done. Use your GSU email address and a name that matches your name in iCollege.) Find the Circle drop down menu (top right of window) and select SETTINGS One of the Section Headings is Account Management. The first subsection heading with a link is Password [Change Password]. What is the second subsection heading with a link? a) Email [Change Email] b) Delete Account [Delete] c) Change Profile URL [Change URL] d) Sign Out of All Tableau Public Sessions [Sign our of All Sessions]
Install Python (integrated with Thonny) using the installation instructions provided in iCollege. Make sure you have a working Internet connection. Launch Thonny. In the bottom right hand corner of the Thonny window identifies the version of Python that runs within Thonny. What is the version number specified? a) \( 3.3 .13 \) b) \( 3.9 .1 \) c) \( 3.10 .6 \) d) \( 3.7 .9 \)
After launching Thonny, click on the Tools menu, then select Manage Packages... As part of the software installed you were instructed to install the pandas package. Scroll down on the list of installed packages and select "pandas" What is the installed version of pandas? \( 3.10 \) 3.7.9 3.3.13 1.3.5
Open the S01 Starter file that you used during this week's Collaboration Challenge (continue adding to the file that contains your Workshop \& Collaboration Challenge work). Select the worksheet named IC1. The cells A2:A9 contain temperatures in Fahrenheit. Enter a formula into cell C2 to converi the temperate in cell A2 into Kelvin (do NOT use the CONVERT function). Copy/Paste your formula across all cells C3 through C9. What is the value in cell C3? a) \( 273.15 \) b) \( 252.6 \) c) \( -18.3333 \) d) \( 266.4833 \) e) 32