i need solve proplem set 2

Computational Thinking \& Problem Solving (CS1101) - Problem Set
2.1 Problem Definition The first year in University consists of courses to prepare fresh students for undergraduate study by giving them some subject-specific knowledge and skills they need to succeed, including Computing, Mathematics, Physics, English language, and other courses. In the first year of your current BSc in Computer Science program, a student studies in each trimester a number of courses. Students proceed to the next year following the successful completion of the first year. To complete the first program, successfully, and proceed to the next year, students must pass all courses. If a student has failed any course(s), a single or two courses, some complementary reassessment exams are taken. Students must leave the University, directly, if they have failed more than two courses. If a student achieves a GPA less than \( 2.00 \) at the end of the first year or has not completed all credit hours, they will leave the program. Note that, the grading system is as shown in Table 1 while the GPAs are calculated using the equation 1 : Table 1: Grading System
The GPAs are calculated using the following equation: \[ \text { StudentGPA }=\frac{\sum_{\text {all-courses }} \text { CourseCredit } \times \text { CourseAchievedPoints }}{\sum_{\text {all-courses }} \text { CourseCredit }} \] 2.2 What you are asked to do Given the description above and what you learn from the class, you are asked to complete the followings: 2.2.1 Problem Decomposition You need to decompose the problem layer by layer into smaller addressable pieces. You must provide a detailed solution! 2.2.2 State Diagram You need to draw a state diagram of applying first year rules to decide whether a student will continue or exit the program and discuss the states that a transaction goes through during execution. You must provide a detailed solution! 2.2.3 Flowcharts and Pseudocodes You need to solve the following tasks using flowcharts and pseudocodes. - Read all courses marks and Credit hours for a student. - Calculate the student GPA for all given courses - Find the final result of a student using the conditions of passing the first year mentioned in the description. - Print if a student satisfies first year conditions or not alongside (GPA, the number of failed courses, and the number of denile courses.
Computational Thinking \& Problem Solving (CS1101) - Problem Set Warning! Adhere to the Code of Academic Integrity. You may discuss background issues and general strategies with others and seek help from course instructor, but the implementations that you submit must be your own. You are not allowed to work out the detailed solutions with others, copy solutions from published/Internet sources or let others solve the for you. If you feel that you cannot complete the project on you own, seek help from the course instructor. 1 Problem Set 1 1.1 Logic Let's consider a propositional language where: - P means "Ali passed all courses" - F means "Ali failed one course" - D means "Ali was denied entry to attend one exam" - G means "Ali's GPA is over 2.00" - S means "Ali has satisfied first year conditions" 1.1.1 Formalize the following sentences: - IF Ali failed one course or Ali was denied entry to attend one exam or Ali's GPA is less than \( 2.00 \) THEN Ali has not satisfied first year conditions. - IF Ali passed all courses and Ali's GPA is over than 2.00 THEN Ali has satisfied first year conditions. 1.1.2 Truth Table Prove the logical statements from the previous subsection using truth table.
2.1 Problem Definition The first year in University consists of courses to prepare fresh students for undergraduate study by giving them some subject-specific knowledge and skills they need to succeed, including Computing, Mathematics, Physics, English language, and other courses. In the first year of your current BSc in Computer Science program, a student studies in each trimester a number of courses. Students proceed to the next year following the successful completion of the first year. To complete the first program, successfully, and proceed to the next year, students must pass all courses. If a student has failed any course(s), a single or two courses, some complementary reassessment exams are taken. Students must leave the University, directly, if they have failed more than two courses. If a student achieves a GPA less than \( 2.00 \) at the end of the first year or has not completed all credit hours, they will leave the program. Note that, the grading system is as shown in Table 1 while the GPAs are calculated using the equation 1 : Table 1: Grading System
The GPAs are calculated using the following equation: \[ \text { StudentGPA }=\frac{\sum_{\text {all-courses }} \text { CourseCredit } \times \text { CourseAchievedPoints }}{\sum_{\text {all-courses }} \text { CourseCredit }} \] \( 2.2 \) What you are asked to do Given the description above and what you learn from the class, you are asked to complete the followings: 2.2.1 Problem Decomposition You need to decompose the problem layer by layer into smaller addressable pieces. You must provide a detailed solution! 2.2.2 State Diagram You need to draw a state diagram of applying first year rules to decide whether a student will continue or exit the program and discuss the states that a transaction goes through during execution. You must provide a detailed solution! 2.2.3 Flowcharts and Pseudocodes You need to solve the following tasks using flowcharts and pseudocodes. - Read all courses marks and Credit hours for a student. - Calculate the student GPA for all given courses - Find the final result of a student using the conditions of passing the first year mentioned in the description. - Print if a student satisfies first year conditions or not alongside (GPA, the number of failed courses, and the number of denile courses. 3 Grading Policy This assignment is worth 15 percent of the total course grade.