HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON A SUBMERGED SURFACE 1. AIM: To investigate the validity of the formulae for r ...
HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON A SUBMERGED SURFACE 1. AIM: To investigate the validity of the formulae for resultant force on and position of, center of pressure on a vertical rectangular surface. 2. APPARATUS: Hydrostatic Pressure apparatus with loose weights. 3. METHOD: 3.1 Measure the dimensions a; b; d and 1. 3.2 Level the apparatus by using the adjustable feet. 3.3 Adjust the counterbalance weight until the balance arm is horizontal. 3.4 Place a mass on the balance pan and fill the tank with water until the balance arm is horizontal. Note the water level (y) on the scale. Pour water over dry surfaces when filling the tank to reduce the surface tension. 3.5 Repeat the procedure for different masses and noting the corresponding water levels. 3.6 Take approximately 8 readings on the bottom scale and 6 readings on the top scale. 3.7 Verify previous readings by reducing the masses on the balance pan. Counterbalance weight Flat surface
4. THEORY: Partial immersion: (yd) Resultant force = R= pgbd y (theoretical) y=y-4/201 bd³ D = 12 + y Center of pressure = bd y d² D-y=- 12 y --[-+-+-) d² Moment of R = Rp|a+= 12 y Moment of Resp = Moment of weight = mgl d Ra+ = mgl 2 Resp= 12 y mgl d d² 12y (experimental)
5. RESULTS Experimental readings a = 100 mm d = 100 mm b = 75 mm 1 = 275 mm For partially immersed Mass?= 50 g Mass?= 70 g - y?= 47 mm . Y? = 55 mm Mass3= 90 g Mass4= 110 g . Y3 = 62 mm. • Y? = 69 mm . ys = 76 mm Mass= 130 g . Y? = 103 mm For fully immersed Mass?= 230 g Mass?= 250 g Mass3= 270 g . Y? = 108 mm . Y3 = 113 mm Mass?= 290 g Y4 117 mm Mass=310 g . ys = 222 mm For the values of y, tabulate the measurements as follows. 5.1 Partially immersed: y R m Draw graphs of R (theoretical) and R against y. 5.2 Fully immersed: y R at Draw graphs of R(theoretical) and R against y. m mgl mgl Re Rep
The graph for partially immersed is: The graph for the fully immersed is: Please do rate if you found this COMPANY About Chegg Chegg For Good College Marketing Corporate Develo