How many lone pairs of electrons are found on the indicated atom? one two three four none
For the structure shown in the box below identify a corresponding correct resonance structure.
For the following compound, identify the indicated lone pairs as localized or delocalized. I - both delocalized; 11 = localized 1- both localized: 11 = localized 1 - both delocalized; II - delocalized I - one localized and one delocalized; 11 - localized 1- one localized and one delocalized: II = delocalized
Enalaprit, is a drug used in the treatment of heart disease. What is the hybridization state at the indicated atoms in Enalapril? [1?sp3, trigonal planar; 1f=sp3, trigonal pyramidal Q 1?sp2, trigonal pyramidal: ?1?4p2, trigonal pyramidal ?1=5p2. trigonal pyramidal: 11?3p2, trigonal pyramidal I - sp², triegonal planar 11=sp2, trigonal planar ?1-sp?
For the following compound what is the hybridization and molecular geometry at the indicated atoms? ?=5p3, tetrahedral: I=5p2, trigonal pyramidal 1=sp3, bent; 11=sp2, trigonal planar 1=sp3, bent: 11=sp2, trigonal pyramidal 1=5p3, tetrahedral: 11=5p2, trigonal planar I =sp2, trigonal pyramidali II - sp, trigonal planar
Caffeine has the following structure. Identify the hybridization state and molecular geometry at the indicated atoms. I=sp3, trigonal pyramidal; II=sp3, trigonal pyramidal I=sp3, trigonal planar; 11=sp3, trigonal planar I=sp2, trigonal pyramidal: II=sp2, trigonal pyramidal 1 - sp2, trigonal planar; 11=sp2, trigonal planar I=sp3, trigonal pyramidal; II =sp2, trigonal planar