hFE=100,V_(A)=0,I_(Cl)=15mA,I_(C2)=5mA ve I_(Cl)=5mA \beta devresini çizerek geribeslemeye ait \beta degerini hesaplayınız. dA_(vf)=(vo)/(v_(s)) kapals çevrim kazanemı bulunuz. cR_(if) ve R_(of) değerlerini bulunuz.(2) The AC equivalent circuit of a feedback amplifier is given in the figure below. (hFE=100, VA=∞, Ici=15 mA, Ic2=5 mA and Ic3=5 mA) a) State the type of feedback used in the circuit and explain the reason. b) Draw the small signal equivalent circuit of the amplifier circuit. c) Draw the β network and calculate the β value for the feedback. d) Find the closed-loop gain Auf = VO/VI for this circuit. e) Find the Rif and Rof values. Note: The circuit diagram is essential for a complete analysis. Please ensure it's clear and legible for accurate calculations and explanations)