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(Solved): help please Put the steps of forward pipetting in the correct order. Depress the plunger with your t ...
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Put the steps of forward pipetting in the correct order. Depress the plunger with your thumb to the first stop Slowly lift your thumb from the first stop, until the plunger is all the way up. Pick up pipette and ensure your volume is set correctly Eject the tip into the waste bin, and return the pipette to the bench or cart. Keep holding your thumb down on the plunger at the second stop, while you lift the pipette away from the receiving vessel Depress the plunger past the first stop, all the way to the second stop. Lift your thumb from the second stop. Place the pipette tip into the liquid to be transferred, making sure it is not touching the bottom or too close to the top Put a tip on the pipette Keeping the pipette close to vertical, move the tip to the reiving vessel and place the tip on the inner wall of the vessel