Hello i have to present a project in my Database and management class so can you help me with it.
the topic i chose is about ( Online voting system ) or in other words ( Election )
This is the initial ER Diagram for it. so you can work on it accordingly
Also there are some necessary things in the project that has to be in it which are,
-Set theory in query
-data analysis
-Table, Triggers
-Data type
-Final ER diagram and UML
Additions / Modifications in ER diagram
And at last a report of how you encountered some problems and how you attacked them if you may.
Note: The code must be written in ms sql..
and after you finish it please can you give a brief explanations of everything you did.
and most importantly last time when i posted the question the person who answered it didnt write the codes , so please send me the correct answer, i need the code to run and debugg it .
Thank you, will appreciate your help alot.