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(Solved): google collab (20 points) Create a bokeh Scatter plot as following: - Saperate Benign and Mali ...
google collab
(20 points) Create a bokeh Scatter plot as following: - Saperate Benign and Malignant data - \( \mathrm{x} \) axis: area_mean - \( y \) axis: texture_mean - the size of datapoints: radius_mean - Benign datapoints: green circle - Malignant datapoints: red triangle - title: Benign and Malignant texture_mean(X"'by area_mean \( (X) \) with size by Radius - use the lower alpha value (transparency) for Benign to allow Malignant data to be cleary visible - legend location: top_left Make output of bokeh included in the notebook. Based on the plot, which classifier would you use to get a 'diagnosis' and whv? Innsert answer here]