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(Solved): [Experiments on a stirred tank system with a turbine type of stirrer] The fluids used in this e ...

[Experiments on a stirred tank system with a turbine type of stirrer] The fluids used in this experiment were palm oil and tap water with a composition of 5:6. The physical properties of the fluid in the form of density and viscosity are measured at a temperature of 26 C. The fluids used has a density of water [996 kg/m3] and palm oil [895 kg/m3] which is used respectively. The viscosity of water is 874x10-4 Pa.s and palm oil is 7.3322x10-2 Pa.s. The D used is 0.084 m

the experiment gave the data below


please kindly explain how to determine

a) Reynolds number ((because it is a mixture i dont know how to determine which density and viscosity is used)) 

b) Froude number ((is the N in rpm or rps or and will they be dimensionless?? please explain why^^b))

c) Power number ((should i convert miliampere to ampere??? but will they be dimensionless??))

d) with the same data, if the palm oil is replaced by chili sauce/liquid soap/toothpaste will the calculation exactly the same??


3. Reynolds Number
N_{R e}=\frac{\rho D v}{\mu}=\frac{\rho D^{2} N}{\mu}
4. Froude Number
N_{F r}=\frac{v^{2}}{D g}=


thank u in advance ^^ srry i asked too much T_T


3. Reynolds Number \[ N_{R e}=\frac{\rho D v}{\mu}=\frac{\rho D^{2} N}{\mu} \] 4. Froude Number \[ N_{F r}=\frac{v^{2}}{D g}=\frac{(N D)^{2}}{D g}=\frac{N^{2} D}{g} \] 5. Power Number \[ \begin{aligned} N_{P O}=& \frac{P}{\rho N^{3} D^{5}} \\ P_{e f f}=V . I-V_{0} . I_{0} \end{aligned} \]

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(1) Reynols nuber Reynold’s number is defined as the ratio of the inertial forces divided to the viscous force per unit area for a flowing fluid. Consider a tube of a small area of cross-section A, through which a fluid of density ? is flowing with v
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