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(Solved): Exercise 2: Acceleration of a car under a constant force The table below shows the acceleration of ...

Exercise 2: Acceleration of a car under a constant force
The table below shows the acceleration of a car on an air track (fri
Exercise 2: Acceleration of a car under a constant force The table below shows the acceleration of a car on an air track (frictionless strface) under a constont, force. 1. Complete the table, converting mass from grams to kilograms for column 4 , and inverting mass in kilograms for column 5. 2. Plot acceleration vs. mass in kilograms both by hand and with Excel (or similar). 3. Do the data points follow a linear trend? Fit a regression line to your data. Which regression should you pick for the non-linear graph (parabolic, quadratic, logarithmic)? 4. Plot acceleration vs. inverse mass. 5. Do the data points follow a linear trend? Fit a regression line to your data. 6. Given your results from question 5, revisit your choice of regression line for question 3. Did you make the correct decision? Check your ' values and explain why or why not. 7. What is the slope of your linear progression? Don't forget to include the calculation on thegraph paper, and it's units. Slope = 8. What physical quantity does the slope of the graph represent? 9. Write a simple linear equation relating the three physical quantities here based upon the above relations.

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Here is the solution to above problem.MeasurementTotal Mass m(gm)Acceleration a(m/s^2)Total Mass m(kg)1/m (kg^-1)1 50
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