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(Solved): ENME 4777 Test 3, Spring 2021 5/11/21 Pr 1 (35 pt). A heating system is given as shown below. In a ...

ENME 4777
Test 3, Spring 2021
Pr 1 (35 pt). A heating system is given as shown below. In addition to the heating coil

ENME 4777 Test 3, Spring 2021 5/11/21 Pr 1 (35 pt). A heating system is given as shown below. In addition to the heating coil, there is a pre- heating coil that warms the outdoor air to 60 deg F before it mixes with the return air. The total load on the space is 225,000 Btu/hr, with an SHR=0.8. The air is supplied to the space at 95 deg F. The space is maintained at 70 deg 5, 50% RH. The outdoor air at 35 deg F, 10% RH is 25% of the supply air, by mass. The air is sensibly heated, then humidified as shown. The steam is supplied to the humidifier as saturated steam at 250 deg F. Use the specific for air as co = 0.244 Btu/bm-F. Answer each question in the problem separately. Label (a), (b), (c), etc. Don't bunch up your work. Write as clearly as you can. a. (Spt) Determine the state of the air at O'. b. (5pt) Compute the mass flow rate of the supply air. C. (5 pt) Determine the state at 2. d. (5 pt) Determine the state of the air at the mixing point. e. (5 pt) Determine the state of the air at x. f. (5 pt) Compute the heat added in the pre-heating coil. g. (5 pt) Comput the mass flow rate of the steam in the humidifier. 197=22500 Brother Winter System SH220 foft X Pre-heating coit Hosting coil ig=ive asof Homilifier Point Tdb W 0 o 1 2 3/4/5

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