Does the variance report reflect the actual performance of Janice Young and the central kitchen? Why or why not?
Prepare a more useful variance analysis, and include it with your financial analysis. Your analysis should include the total budget variance as well as its price/rate/spending and quantity/efficiency component. The following format might be helpful:
Account |
Actual cost |
Flexible budget |
Total Budget Variance |
Price/Rate Variance |
Qty/Efficiency Variance |
Dough |
$315.00 |
Filling/spices |
$1,050.00 |
Grouper fish |
$5,460.00 |
Direct labor |
$2,337.50 |
Variable OH |
$1,893.00 |
Total |
$11,055.50 |
what does your report suggest about the various aspects of Janice’s performance in the centralized kitchen?).
are some variances more worrisome than others, what might have caused the variances, etc.