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(Solved): Develop a UML Design Class Diagram (DCD) for the use case Schedule patient appointment Navigation ...

Develop a UML Design Class Diagram (DCD) for the use case Schedule patient appointment

  • Navigation visibility and method signatures must be included in the diagram. 

  • A boundary/view class, a controller class and a data access class must be included. 

  • Attributes are marked private and methods are marked public. 

  • Method names must be indicative and use the camelback notation. 

  • You can make any reasonable assumption in the method parameters.

Here is the said use case:

A patient record and scheduling system in a doctors office is used by the receptionists,
nurses, and doctors. The receptionis

And here is a DMDC for the above use case:

date Time
Note. The system may not
need to remember
receptionists and nurses.

A patient record and scheduling system in a doctors office is used by the receptionists, nurses, and doctors. The receptionists use the system to enter new patient information when first-time patients visit the doctor. They also schedule all appointments. The nurses use the system to keep track of the results of each visit including diagnosis and medications. For each visit, free form text fields are used captures information on diagnosis and treatment. Multiple medications may be prescribed during each visit. The nurses can also access the information to print out a history of patient visits. The doctors primarily use the system to view patient history. The doctors may enter some patient treatment information and prescriptions occasionally, but most frequently they let the nurses enter this information. Each patient is assigned to a family. The head of family is the main contact person for a family medical coverage if any. Information about doctors is maintained since a family has a primary care physician, but different doctors may be the ones seeing the patient during the visit. Appointment date Time 0..* 0..1 Note. The system may not need to remember receptionists and nurses. Patient appointment 1 1..* Visit diagnosis Note treatmentNote 1..* 0..* 01 Presciption medications 1 Family familyHead medinsurinfo 0..* primary doctor 1 Doctor

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