(Solved): Designing a Supersonic Wind Tunnel 1. We need to design a supersonic wind tunnel reproducing at M=2 ...
Designing a Supersonic Wind Tunnel 1. We need to design a supersonic wind tunnel reproducing at M=2.8 free-stream flow. The cross section of the test section area is Atest =1m2. The air in the reservoir is at ambient temperature T0=280K. (a) Determine the nozzle throat cross section At,1. (b) Determine the total pressure in the reservoir p0 and the mass flow m˙ through the nozzle in the hypothesis that the nozzle discharges the air directly in the ambient (pamb=1atm, Tamb=280K) at supersonic conditions and without any shock. (c) A supersonic diffuser is placed behind the test section. Now the flow is decelerated through a normal shock wave at Mshock =2.8. Determine the diffuser throat minimum cross section At,2, the minimum total pressure p0 in the reservoir and the mass flow through the wind tunnel.