Consider the single phase transformer shown in the figure below. Dimensions, given in the figure, ...
Consider the single phase transformer shown in the figure below. Dimensions, given in the figure, are all in mm. - The core depth is 30mm?. - The number of turns in the primary and secondary windings are 800? and 400? respectively. - The rated voltages of the primary and secondary windings are 240?V and 120?V respectively. Notice that the given voltage values are in rms. - The rated frequency is 50?Hz. - The coil material is copper. - The red dashed line in the top leg is for plotting the flux density magnitude.
A. (20 points) Suppose 240Vrms is applied to the primary winding, and the secondary winding is open. Assuming ?r?=1500? for the core material, use analytical methods to calculate. a. the core reluctance, b. magnetizing inductance referred to the primary (NP2?/R), c. magnetizing reactance referred to the primary, d. magnetizing current in the primary, e. peak of flux linkage of the primary winding, f. peak of flux density in the core.