(Solved): Consider the signal constellation of a digital communication system shown in figure (2-a). 6(E) (B) ...
Consider the signal constellation of a digital communication system shown in figure (2-a). 6(E) (B) 0(1) ?2- 12 HL 4,000 1/2 3/2 S? -?2+ -5+ Figure (2-a) Figure (2-b) A) If the receiver is r= (0.5, -1), which signal do you expect was transmitted and why? B) Determine the pulses associated with the points in this signal constellation shown in figure (2-a), if the orthonormal basis shown in figure (2-b) are used in this system. C) If the receiver uses optimum Maximum Likelihood detector and the transmitted signals have equal probability, find the probability of error in AWGN channel with No=9x10² W/Hz D) If the signal shown in figure (2-c) is also used in this system as another transmitted signal, redraw the corresponding signal constellation diagram. S. (t) -4/2. -8/?2- 1/2 Figure (2-c)