Consider a cogeneration plant to meet electricity and process heat requirement consists of a ga ...
Consider a cogeneration plant to meet electricity and process heat requirement consists of a gas turbine and a heat exchanger for steam production as shown in Figure 3. The topping cycle is gas turbine which operates based on ideal Brayton cycle with regeneration. Meanwhile the bottoming cycle is steam cycle for heating process. Data tabulated in Table 6 is taken from the template provided by the cogeneration power plant manufacturer. The system has provision for supplementary firing in which the combustion of additional fuel raises the gas temperature from gas turbine exhaust to 700 °C. Then the gas enters the HRSG. The bottoming cycle is steam cycle whereby the range of 30 to 70% of steam produced from HRSG is being used for the heating process. The steam leaves the process heater as saturated liquid at 1500 kPa of pressure and will be returned to the system into mixing chamber. The remaining steam is expended in isentropic turbine to 10 kPa and will be mixed with return steam from process heat in the mixing chamber at 6 MPa. Table 6 Same Parameters Maximum power generation (Steam & Gas turbine) Pressure ratio of the Gas Turbine Air inlet temperature to compressor Pressure inlet to compressor Combustion gas temperature Effectiveness of the regenerator Exhaust gas leaving HRSG Condition of steam leaving HRSG Specific heat of air Specific heat of combustion gas Specific heat ratio of air Specific heat ratio of combustion gas Calorific value of fuel Value 12 MW 8 25 °C 97 kPa 950 °C 93% 145 °C 6 MPa, 400 °C 1.005 kJ/kg.K 1.11 kJ/kg.K 1.4 1.3 40 MJ/kg Please prepare a report on calculation for this system by addressing important parameters such as air and steam flowrate, as well as maximum and minimum power produced by steam turbine and utilization factor (e). Please refer to Figure 4 for detail 7-s diagram of the cogeneration power plant. [25 Marks] [CO4, PO2, C5]
Compressor FG Process Heat Supp. Firing B A Steam Turbine H Regenerator HRSG Condenser Pump II Figure 3 Combustor Pump I Mixing Chamber Explain Gas Turbine
T 2 E H 8 6 MPa 1500 kPa 10 kPa 3 950°C A. B. C Figure 4 Explain D 6 700°C