cator Single Effect Evaporator (SEE) is used to produce distilled water. The intake seawater tempe ...
cator Single Effect Evaporator (SEE) is used to produce distilled water. The intake seawater temperature equal to 30 °C. The evaporator feed temperature is 5 °C lower than the temperature of vapor produced in the evaporator. Saturated Steam temperature equal to 100 °C is used. The salinity of the seawater and brine blow down are 35000 ppm and 70000 ppm; respectively. The specific heat transfer area of the evaporator equal to 120 m²/(kg/sec). Accordingly, Calculate the following: • Specific Feed = Brine blow down Temperature = • Performance Ratio = LMTD of the condeser = o Process Specific Area = °C U m²/(kg/sec)
Solution: We can use the material balance equation across the evaporator as follows: F = Feed Flow = 14400 kg/h V = Vapor Flow (Water Distilled) L = Concentrated Liquid Flow xf = solid content in feed = 0.06% = 0.0006 xl = solid content in concentrat