(Solved): Calculate the shaft diameters (at points A, B, I, II) according to the diagram shown in the Figure ...
Calculate the shaft diameters (at points A, B, I, II) according to the diagram shown in the Figure given in Table 2. Gears I and II with diameters d1? and d2? are mounted on the shaft. The circumferential force on wheel I is horizontal and amounts to F1? the circumferential force on wheel II acts in the vertical direction and is F2?=d2?d1??F1?. Allowable stresses are: k?a?=100MPa,kyj?=70MPa,?=23??, Shaft journal lengths are: a,b and c Based on the calculations made, make a sketch of the shaft. - Solution should include bending moment diagram (vertical and horizantal load seperately and resulting bending moment), torsional moment diagram, equilavent moment diagram and summary graphs of moments. F1=19kNd1=0,1md2=2?d1a=0,125mb=0,25mc=0,1m?